Saturday 28 July 2012

Awoozing Race : Rome!

1. Rome is the capital city of what country? Italy

2. There is actually a country that is located in the heart of Rome; it’s the smallest in the world. What is the name of this country? Vatican
3. What is the name of the famous amphitheater ( largest ever built by the Roman Empire ) located in the heart of Rome ? Colosseum

4. The largest interior of any Christian church in the world is named after which Saint ?  Peter

5.  Who is the legendary founder of the city of Rome ?  Romulus

6. Who is the famous Roman general and statesman that greatly increased ancient Rome’s power ? Julius Caesar

7. What is the name of the main river that passes through Rome ?  Tiber

8. What is Rome’s most famous fountain ? Trevi

Hope this help
-Tolootoo- ©